Clean Beauty Asia

Clean Beauty Asia

Allie Rooke

Entering Asia as an independent beauty brand can be daunting. I am passionate about indie Beauty and about its potential in Asia. With this interview series I want to help brands get off to the best possible start in Asia. The aim of this podcast is to inform and connect people in the Beauty industry around market entry and expansion in Asia. If you want to go deeper and get the fact and figures checkout my online course dedicated to beauty brands entering China through cross border e-commerce:

Categorias: Finanzas

Escuchar el último episodio:

Looking back at 2022 it has been a tough year for China

Lockdowns, uncertainty, closed borders all whilst the rest of the world opened up, travelled, met in person

It was hard to watch from the outside and even harder from within

This impacted many businesses – year 3 of not being able to travel in or out but also, more so the negative press coverage of China causing brands to put China on hold or reassess later

This is not how all brands have tackled China – some saw the opportunity to double down and are reaping the rewards

More are looking elsewhere – South East Asia has been a hot topic.

I recorded a podcast with Kelly Hazemans who has worked in ecommerce in both China and South East Asia as a trade partner and a brand ecommerce head and now as a consultant.

In this discussion we talk about:

  1. What you need to have a successful relationship with your trade partner
    1. Partnership
    2. Transparency
    3. Trust

*it is not all a one way relationship – hint hint

  1. Online marketplaces in Asia. Exploring the differences between China and South East Asia market places – looking at costs, openness and integration
  2. Importance of your own .com site in SEA vs. China
  3. Explore the unique customer service landscape which is similar in China and South East Asia and demands the brands attention

Listen to the full interview to gain a real insight into Ecommerce in Asia

Do get in touch with Kelly directly on LinkedIn or her website

Episodios anteriores

  • 34 - 33. China vs South East Asia Ecommerce landscape 
    Wed, 18 Jan 2023
  • 33 - 32. Premium Chinese hair care brand’s advice  
    Wed, 19 Oct 2022
  • 32 - 31. Chinafication & How Important is it for your Brand?  
    Wed, 27 Jul 2022
  • 31 - 30. Gaps in Sephora’s Skincare Portfolio 
    Tue, 14 Jun 2022
  • 30 - 29. K-Beauty’s continued influence 
    Wed, 11 May 2022
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